MUHAI Newsletter #1 | March 2021

‍MUHAI newsletter #1 | March 2021

The MUHAI project introduces meaning and understanding in AI

The new Pathfinder project MUHAI is funded by the EU Commission (EIC-FETPROACT-05-2019) to develop foundational technologies for achieving human-centric artificial intelligence. 
Human-centric AI aspires to empower rather than replace humans, which implies that it should be able to explain and defend how it reached decisions, can take advice from humans, and is compatible with the ethical and moral standards that we expect from agents in our society. 
Human-centric AI contrasts with the data-centric AI approach that is now engulfing industry and society. Data-centric AI uses big data and statistical machine learning to make decisions by exploiting statistical patterns. These patterns are often coded in ways which are inaccessible to humans, including the developers of these systems. They make the promise to overpower humans and to make us superfluous, raising many ethical and legal questions. 
The project is based on the idea that in order to be human-centric, AI must learn how to cope with meaning and understanding. MUHAI new approach will be tested in cases that require the use of common sense about everyday activities such as cooking and an understanding of social phenomena. 
MUHAI objective is to push the state of the art in cognitive home robotics while providing tools for social scientists to better understand society.

Watch the project video

Event > 
SECRETS | Artificial Intelligence and Luc Tuymans

Understanding Society

Why are the neighbourhoods in some cities sharply divided along income boundaries, while in other cities not? Was this always the case in different periods of history? And in different cultures? Has social mobility increased or decreased over time? Why does life expectancy correlate with income?


Understanding Everyday Activities

If the proof of the pudding is in the eating then the ultimate test for understanding an instruction is its proper execution. This view greatly expands the scope of natural language understanding beyond the usual syntactic and semantic analysis. In this part of the MUHAI project we seek to operationalize the basic principles of human-centric AI so that machines will be able to understand how to perform everyday actions in the cooking domain. 

MUHAI Visual Identity

If the term “scientific” usually attracts our attention, the term “artificial” often alerts us, making us think of a world where human beings are at the margin and robots at the center.


‍This project has received funding from the European 

Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 

under grant agreement No 951846.

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