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Final events: i2b Bremen

Beginning of April, the I2B event "TZI Roadshow: AI Innovation made in Bremen" took place in the TAB building of the University of Bremen, where examples of work created at TZI were presented.

The event was a complete success with around 220 interested participants from local industry and science. 

It was an important moment for the MUHAI project to present key results to the public and fellow researchers. The group from University of Bremen ensured a succesful outreach in this first final event of the MUHAI project.

Pictures by Kontrast Medien und Marketing

A few images from the event, including Prof. Rainer Malaka at his welcome speech. Prof. Rainer Malaka had the opportunity to present the Muhai Project to University of Bremen’s Chancellor Frauke Meyer

In another picture Laura Spillner tells Bremen’s Senator for Environment, Climate, and Science, Kathrin Moosdorf, about the Muhai Project

At the bottom of the page a video with highlights from the exhibition is available.