IJCAI-ECAI 2022 Workshop proceedings are online!
We are happy to announce the CEUR publication of the proceedings of the MUHAI workshop on Semantic Techniques for Narrative-Based Understanding at the IJCAI-ECAI Conference in Vienna on July 24, 2022.
The publication is available at the following address: https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3322/
The workshop on semantic techniques for narrative-based understanding was about exploring how AI systems can employ narratives in the realization of human-centric AI. Human-centric AI focuses on collaborating with humans, enhancing human capabilities, and empowering humans to better achieve their goals. This requires that we complement the reactive intelligence of today's neuro-statistical machine learning with deliberative intelligence based on rich models of the problem situation: computational representations of narratives, elaborate ontologies, fine-grained semantic parsing inspired by cognitive linguistics and construction grammar, reasoning and inference, mental simulation, the consultation of semantic resources such as knowledge graphs and episodic memories of past situations, and a control architecture that can flexibly combine all these knowledge sources to arrive at coherent understanding.
The event was organized by MUHAI researchers Lise Stork (VUA, Netherlands), Katrien Beuls (Université de Namur, Belgium), and the Scientific Coordinator of the project, Luc Steels (VIU/BSC, Spain).
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