Uncommon Ground
Robert Porzel, University of Bremen.
One major motivation of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is the desire to make the predictions of bl...

Do you speak AI?
Interview with Katrien Beuls, UNamur.
We are pleased to announce that MUHAI researcher Katrien Beuls is now Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence at the Unive...

Pragmatics: the secret ingredient
Anna Morbiato, VIU.
Imagine you're at a house party. You've just met someone new and you want to make a good impression. So, you ask them "How's it going?...

Deconstructing Recipes
Anna Morbiato and Patrizia Cani, VIU.
What is the secret ingredient of recipes? In recipes, we talk about ingredients, sometimes many of them, which...

Uncommon Ground
Robert Porzel, University of Bremen.
One major motivation of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is the desire to make the predictions of bl...

Do you speak AI?
Interview with Katrien Beuls, UNamur.
We are pleased to announce that MUHAI researcher Katrien Beuls is now Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence at the Unive...

Pragmatics: the secret ingredient
Anna Morbiato, VIU.
Imagine you're at a house party. You've just met someone new and you want to make a good impression. So, you ask them "How's it going?...

Deconstructing Recipes
Anna Morbiato and Patrizia Cani, VIU.
What is the secret ingredient of recipes? In recipes, we talk about ingredients, sometimes many of them, which...

Foundations for Meaning and Understanding in Human-centric AI
Carlo Santagiustina, VIU.
The summary that follows contains excerpts from the open-access volume of the MUHAI Deliverable 1.1: Steels, Luc (ed.). (2022...

The FCG Editor: a new milestone for linguistics and human-centric AI
Remi van Trijp, CSL.
The Fluid Construction Grammar (FCG) Editor is a free and innovative Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for engineering computati...

Linguistic Alignment for Chatbots
Laura Spillner, UHB.
Over the last decade, conversational agents have slowly but surely become very common in our daily lives. Conversational agents - the...

Framing reality
Remi van Trijp and Martina Galletti, CSL.
One of the reasons why it is so difficult to develop human-centric AI systems is that such systems need to "unders...

MUHAI Visual Identity
Paola Fortuna, Studio +fortuna
If the term “scientific” usually attracts our attention, the term “artificial” often alerts us, making us think of a world...

Visions of the Future
It started in the summer of 2030. Cecile’s daughter Lucilla had visited her mother’s wonderful home in a small town in the south of France and noti...