Study without ChatGPT… to work more wisely with AI
- Excerpt2: Paul Van Eecke (VUB), Katrien Beuls (UNamur) and Tim Brys (VUB) explain why students should avoid the use of generative AI during high-school education to be able to use it more efficiently afterwards. Adapted by Folco Soffietti (VIU).
- autore: Paul Van Eecke (VUB), Katrien Beuls (UNamur), Tim Brys (VUB). Adapted by Folco Soffietti (VIU)
- tag: blu
Paul Van Eecke (VUB)Katrien Beuls (UNamur)Tim Brys (VUB)Adapted by Folco Soffietti (VIU)
Source: Pexels, modified by Folco Soffietti
Adapted from the article...