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Talking (online) about inequality: Towards an observatory on inequality narratives

Excerpt2: Part of the MUHAI objectives is developing tools to help humans understand media materials, such as tweets or  articles, on critical social issues, in particular socio-economic inequality.
autore: Carlo R. M. A. Santagiustina
tag: red
Carlo R. M. A. Santagiustina. “Storytelling is a means by which representatives of new communities may introduce their views into the dialogue about the way society should be...

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Understanding Society

Excerpt2: Why are the neighbourhoods in some cities sharply divided along income boundaries, while in other cities not? Was this always the case in different periods of history? And in different cultures? Has social mobility increased or decreased over time? Why does life expectancy correlate with income?
autore: Lise Stork
tag: red
Lise Stork, VUA.   Why are the neighbourhoods in some cities sharply divided along income boundaries, while in other cities not? Was this always the case in different periods...

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Science on the edge of chaos

Excerpt2: MUHAI' scientific advisor Luc Steels guides us in the visit of a pop-up exhibition about the history of AI he curated in December, not to be missed!
autore: Luc Steels, Venice International University (VIU)
tag: red
  Luc Steels, Venice International University. The AI Avant-Garde in the 1990s. In the 1980s and 1990s a new wind was blowing in many sciences, based on the realization...

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AI, the winning artist?

Excerpt2: The fact that AI-generated entries have won art and photo contests sparked a debate in the art world. The blog reflects on what are the possible paths for art prizes in a world in which AI generators are commonly used.
autore: Folco Soffietti, Venice International University (VIU)
tag: blu
  Folco Soffietti, Venice International University.   The recent discussion sparked around art prizes being assigned to artworks generated by AI - whether stated or...

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Luc Tuymans through the lens of AI

Excerpt2: AI (Artificial Intelligence) researchers try to understand the structures and processes that underlie intelligence and use that insight to build practical applications. Much has already been achieved. But much remains to be discovered.
autore: Luc Steels
tag: blu
Luc Steels. AI (Artificial Intelligence) researchers try to understand the structures and processes that underlie intelligence and use that insight to build practical applications....

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